Monday, August 6, 2012

Blog Post 4

Now that we have finished the semester, consider your first assessment of your technology skills. What have you learned about your technology strengths and weaknesses? What skills do you have that are similar to the pre-service school librarians in the article? How will you continue to learn about technology after this class is finished?

 I have learned that my technology strength is that I am quick-learner. When I tried all the technology being introduced in this course, I easily grasped it. After I briefly practiced using the tool, I learned how to use the technology efficiently.

My weakness was the lack of knowledge of technology tools. That has changed for I have learned how to manipulate many tools throughout this course. I also believe that taking this course online (vs. face-to-face) has helped as well.

The skill that I have that is similar to pre-service school librarians is the knowledge of technology. Through this course I have been introduced to many tools that I have become comfortable with. Not only did I learn how to use them, in most cases I had to implement them in real-life situations. I will take those tools and ideas and assist students and teachers.

 I plan to continue to learn about technology through professional development. Professional development in technology should be a requirement for continued certification because it is a vital tool for reaching our “digital natives.”

Smith, D. (2010). Making the case for the leadership role of school librarians in technology integration. Library Hi Tech, 28 (4), 617-631. Retrieved from